Honorary Consul 2013-2021
A Note of Gratitude
It’s time to say good-bye as Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany, responsible for the 50 western counties of North Carolina. Eight years of rewarding and productive service come to an end today.
This was a truly great time: I met with so many of you on so many different levels, including big and small businesses, speaking to civic clubs or to students at high schools and preschools (!) and at (almost) all universities and colleges with a German connection in my district.
In the past four years, we have processed about 4000 passports; many wonderful people came through our office, enjoying easy parking and easy access to our offices (if necessary we went out on the street to wave older grannies in to help them find a parking spot and provided hungry babies with a separate room where their mothers could nurse them).
We took the opportunity to build up The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation, dedicated to the support and furtherance of transatlantic relations and recently opened a new branch in Charleston and a liaison office at UNC Chapel Hill.
I would like to thank all of you for the friendly interactions and constructive support which I have received. It was certainly a period in life of intellectual stimulation and learning and exchange of ideas with many good friends. And yes, it was an honor (and fun!) to serve my native mother country. I will cherish the memories . . . .
Let’s stay in contact,
This was a truly great time: I met with so many of you on so many different levels, including big and small businesses, speaking to civic clubs or to students at high schools and preschools (!) and at (almost) all universities and colleges with a German connection in my district.
In the past four years, we have processed about 4000 passports; many wonderful people came through our office, enjoying easy parking and easy access to our offices (if necessary we went out on the street to wave older grannies in to help them find a parking spot and provided hungry babies with a separate room where their mothers could nurse them).
We took the opportunity to build up The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation, dedicated to the support and furtherance of transatlantic relations and recently opened a new branch in Charleston and a liaison office at UNC Chapel Hill.
I would like to thank all of you for the friendly interactions and constructive support which I have received. It was certainly a period in life of intellectual stimulation and learning and exchange of ideas with many good friends. And yes, it was an honor (and fun!) to serve my native mother country. I will cherish the memories . . . .
Let’s stay in contact,
Reviews & Comments
"Dear Klaus,
Thank you for your great service to the motherland and the greater Charlotte (and growing NC and SC) community. This may be good bye but also Auf Wiedersehen. Bis bald – alles Gute!" -Joachim R. Woerner
"Klaus, this is bittersweet. You have had such a big presence in this role and have achieved wonderful things here in western North Carolina. Thank you for your service over these years! you will be missed as Honorary Consul." -Kristin
"Klaus, you were the best ambassador for Germany I could imagine. I am grateful to call you a friend. All the very best and see you soon!" -Nils
"Lieber Klaus,
vielen Dank fuer deine email. Sicher bist du etwas traurig, aber vielleicht auch ein wenig relieved, das Du dich jetzt noch mehr um andere Sachen kuemmern kannst. Zum Beispiel darum, einen wohlverdienten Urlaub zu machen?
Da bin ich ja froh, das ich meinen Pass noch gerade so Euch beantragen konnte.
Bis bald wuerde ich sagen, und well done waehrend der letzten 8 Jahre. cheers" -Klaus
You have done a wonderful job and I salute you. With Regards," -Mark
"Klaus, I was travelling yesterday, so this morning I have had an opportunity to read your thoughtful email below and to review and savor the many supportive responses you have received. I can add little to the praise and accolades your friends have submitted, other than to say that you have been the embodiment and perfect example of what every honorary consul should aspire to. Well done, my friend!
We all look forward to your continued leadership of the North Carolina Zeitgeist Foundation, now active in both Carolinas! NCZF will remain as the signature and lasting tribute to your time as Honorary Consul of Germany. Can’t wait to see what you have in mind for us in coming months!
Best regards,"-Michael
"Hello Klaus,
Wow, those 8 years past fast. I have to say Klaus, you did a fantastic job for all the Germans in this area. I have heard many good comments about your service, especially the last 2 years during Covid.
Your successor will have big shoes to fill!
I hope you will continue with the Zeitgeist Foundation." -Karl
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"Lieber Klaus,
Auch von meiner Seite war es nett, Dich und Concha bei Deiner Ehren Konsul Verabschiedung zu treffen.Meiner Meinung nach, waren Deine Abschiedsworte hervorragend gewaehlt , mit Passion, etwas Wehmut natuerlich, aber auch mit Witz und Humor. Eine tolle Kombination. ...und was Du alles in den 14 Jahren erreicht hast, ist schon Sehenswert!!! "-Hans
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"Dear Klaus,
I will miss you as a colleague on the Consular Corp. It was a real pleasure working with you during these years. You have contributed so much to our community and I am sure you will continue to do so in the years to come. I will be in Charlotte for a few weeks and then back to Italy, but I hope that we will be able to get together sometime in January, if you will be in town. I wish you all the best with your new and old projects, my friend." -Claudio
"Hello this is Renata, and I was calling because I have lost my immigration card, well my green card, but from the voice mail I heard that Klaus Becker is no longer, well I guess has retired, so I wanted to say he was such a wonderful person and and everybody at the consulate was so nice to me. I hope the consulate in Atlanta…in Charlotte does not close, because you guys were so nice. So just wanted to say thank you to you. And I will call Atlanta, thank you."
"Wenn wir wieder hier sind, sollten wir dringend etwas unternehmen. Wir werden dich als Honorary Consul sehr vermissen. Du hast ein super Job gemacht! Liebe Gruesse an Concha und bis bald!" -Ingrid
"Lieber Klaus,
vielen Dank für Deinen Service. Ich habe immer sehr, sehr gerne mit Dir zusammen gearbeitet und hoffe, dass wir in Kontakt bleiben werden.
Mit besten Grüßen" -Regine
"Dear Klaus,
Thank you for your Service. I am thankful you accepted the challenge to fill the position of the Honorary Consul of the FRD 8 years ago.
During all these years you served people, families and companies on both sides of the Atlantic in positive and unparalleled manner. There are plenty of good things that happened because of your enthusiastic engagement and the ever persisting will to go the extra mile to reach set goals. Many of which will still be visible as your footsteps for years to come serving as guidance for the once that follow.
I wish you and your family all the best in enjoying a new chapter in your life and I would certainly appreciate a little update from you every once in a while. Me and Britta will do the same to stay in touch with you as well. Kind and warm regards," -Bernie
"Guten Morgen Klaus,
Ich bin heute morgen ins Büro gekommen und habe Deine Email gelesen, die mich ja fast vom Stuhl gehauen hat. Es wird sicherlich Gründe für Deine Entscheidung geben, aber ich finde es schade, und ich möchte mich noch einmal herzlich für die schnelle Bearbeitung meines Passantrags vor ca. einem Jahr bedanken. Melde Dich, wenn Du in der Umgebung von Spartanburg bist.
Let’s stay in touch. Alles Gute, und viele Grüsse" -Günter
"Congrats, Klaus, on a great 4 years! You have contributed so much to the community and are such an awesome presence for Germany and Zeitgeist. And we are so grateful for all your help in getting Ethan’s passport! You can feel very proud of all you have accomplished! Here’s hoping to see you soon.
Cheers!" -Patty
"Lieber Klaus,
Nachdem Du nun nicht mehr in Amt und Würden bist, bleibt Dir Deine Zeitgeist Foundation, die sich ja im Ausbau befindet, so dass es Dir sicherlich nicht an Aktivitäten fehlt. Ich vermute, dass Du mit Wehmut zurückblickst. Behalte die guten Erinnerungen und bewahre die Freunde, die Dich auf dem Weg begleitet haben.
Alles Gute für Euch und Wie immer: Carpe Diem." -Wolfgang
"Dear Mr. Becker,
I often go back in memory to the days I spent in Charlotte for our Central European panel on the achievements of the changes in Central Europe after 1989 and Germany’s reunification (November 2019). The event was great and also your hospitality and organization. As a Pole with a German name I feel I can relate to the meaning and importance of Polish-German relations, mutual understanding and a desire to plan the future jointly within the EU and as NATO allies. I wish you all the very best of luck and success in your upcoming endeavors." -Piotr
What a wonderful note. You went above and beyond in your service, which is no surprise, based on my experience with you!
I’ve been speaking with Tim about another visit from Emily Haber. We hope to host again and wish this COVID wave subsides soon so that we can all resume our “normal” lives!" -Ann
"Lieber Klaus,
Wie ich bereits während des Gala Events letzte Woche Mittwoch erfahren durfte, wirst du nicht weiter das Amt des Honorarkonsuls bekleiden. Diese Woche erhielt ich dann auch deine offizielle E-Mail und ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bedanken für deinen unermüdlichen Einsatz als Honorarkonsul. Zum Glück bleibst du uns ja erhalten im Rahmen der Zeitgeist Foundation und ich freue mich auf viele weitere Veranstaltungen, natürlich gemeinsam mit meiner Frau. Ich hoffe, dir wird nicht zu langweilig!
Ich wünsche dir und Concha noch einen geruhsamen Sonntagnachmittag.
Liebe Grüße," -Uli
"Dear Klaus,
Sorry to hear that your time as our rep of Germany comes to an end. You were by far the best of the 3 Honorary Consuls we met in the past 40 years. You did a super job for our German Community.
Thank you." -Wolfgang
thanks so much for your years of service. And for all you did for the transatlantic relationship. You served during a very complicated period of time.
Take care." -John
"Lieber Klaus
Vielen Dank fuer deine Mitteilung – lass dich feiern! Wohl verdient fuer deine lange und sehr erfolgreiche Zeit als unser German Honorary Consul .
Du bleibst weiterhin eine wichtige Praesenz bei allen die dich kennen – das ist sehr beeindruckend. Die Zeitgeist Foundation ist gross im Aufschwung aufgrund deines unermuedlichen Einsatzes. I am very honored to be part of the NCZF board with your leadership.
Weiterhin die besten Wuensche an dich und Concha…und bis bald." -Rosa
"Erwartungsgemaess ist die Amtszeit von unserem Freund Klaus Becker abgelaufen. Er hat waehrend seiner jahrelangen Amtszeit eine hervorragende Taetigkeit erbracht, die aus Sicht unserer Buerger nur lobenswert hervorzuheben ist.
herzlichst Euer Freund." -Dieter
"Lieber Klaus,
Auf diesem Wege möchte ich meine Hochachtung für Deine Passion und Deine positive Energie ausdrücken, mit der Du dieses Amt die letzten acht Jahre im besten Sinne für die deutsch-amerikanische Freundschaft, auch trotz zum Teil schwieriger politischer Rahmenbedingungen, ausgeübt hast.
Herzlichen Dank für Deinen unermüdlichen Service
Beste Grüße." -Claus
"Lieber Herr Becker,
herzlichen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Bleiben sie weiterhin mit der Zeitgeist Foundation involviert?
Die Idee, den BDI-Präsidenten nach NC zu bringen, habe ich nicht vergessen." -C.
Let me add my congratulations for your outstanding tenure as Honorary Consul of Germany for Western North Carolina.
I will miss seeing you at our Consular Corps meetings. Hopefully, we will connect again soon.
In the meantime, very best wishes as you continue to support the business and cultural interests of Germany in North Carolina" - John
That really is the end of an era. My gratitude for your unending service. I am sure Zeitgeist will more than fill the gap. Very honored to be with you." -John
Congratulations for all your job.
You are a wonderful Honorary Consul
Enjoy your next step
All the best" -Claudia
Congratulations with your very long term of Consular services.
Germany is going g to miss you, so do we.
Thank you and it has been an honor knowing you.
All the best to you and enjoy retirement,
Auf Wiedersehn" -Gerard
"Dear Klaus,
All the best! Wszystkiego najlepszego!
Ich wünsche dir noch "Alles Beste" in der Zukunft! Du warst bei uns stets zugänglich und hilfsbereit. Du wirst vermißt . . . . Glückauf!" -Mark
Congratulations on the years you served as Honorary Consul. Your Consulate of Germany outdates the Consulate of Mexico by a few months. You have really given back to the entire International community. You and Concha make a great team representing the community.
I know we will continue to work together in other areas.
All the best" -Wayne
"Dearest Friend,
With heartfelt warmth and endearment, I send you our vote of gratitude for you wonderful contribution to the entire network of your Consul colleagues.
You are personified as a gentleman with great human qualities.
We salute you and look forward to seeing you soon.
All the best." -Steven
"It has been great getting to know you. Thank you for everything you have done for NC so far.
I wish you the best of luck going forward. Please stay in touch." -Magnus
"First, as I believe this is the final day of the distinguished honorary consul career of Klaus Becker, I wanted to take a moment as a group to congratulate him on his service both to Germany and to North Carolina." -David
"Hi Klaus
Thank you for all the work you did during your tenor.
You will be missed!" -Markus, Layne and Christian
"Lieber Klaus,
ich möchte mich nochmals bedanken für die sehr gelungene und informative Veranstaltung. Ich weiß, wieviel Arbeit damit verbunden ist, solch ein Event vorzubereiten. In einem so kleinem Kreis ist das Networking viel angenehmer.
Auch besten Dank für die Hervorhebung als Sponsor. Wir freuen uns Dich und die N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation auch zukünftig weiter zu unterstützen."
Two and a half years ago you kindly gave me information for one of our sons to pursue German citizenship through Andy's mother who was born in Bonn. Yesterday he and his 2-year old daughter became German citizens! Thank you so much for your help."
"Dear Klaus,
It was a pleasure having you.
Probably the most interesting and best presentation we had this year."
"Hallo Frau Drahola,
ich bedanke mich nochmals recht herzlich bei Ihnen, ihrer Kollegin Nadine Voelkel sowie Herrn Becker für die heute Abwicklung und Entgegennahme der Beibehaltungsurkunde.
Grüße aus Simpsonville, SC"
"Lieber Klaus!
Ja, es war sehr nett Dich kennengelernt zu haben am Freitag! Noch nie habe ich so einen angenehmen Passtermin gehabt! Danke fuer die email an Alemania und ich werde am 23.02. dabeisein.
Schoenes Wochenende wuensche ich Dir noch!"
"Lieber Klaus,
Wollte mich noch einmal kurz für Deine Hilfe bei der kurzfristigen Beantragung der Reisepässe für meine Kinder bedanken!
Hat alles noch pünktlich geklappt, und wir konnten ohne Probleme nach Deutschland einreisen.
Weiß nicht, ob wir dies ohne Deine Intervention noch rechtzeitig hinbekommen hätten.
Herzlichen Dank!"
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It is one of the privileges of a German Honorary Consul to provide a neutral space for German students to write tests for academic studies. Franziska Förster was a very pleasant person whom we loved to provide with the necessary environment to advance in her studies which apparently finalized with a full success. We wish her good luck in her future endeavors.
"Sehr geehrte Frau Drahola,
Das ist ja ein unglaublicher Service bei Ihnen in Charlotte!! So schnell Antwort zu erhalten und dazu noch eine positive Zusage mit Termin für mich und meine Söhne! Ich kann es nicht glauben!! Ich bin Ihnen zu großem Dank verpflichtet!
Ja, natürlich nehmen wir diesen Termin sehr gerne wahr und kommen nach Charlotte!
Ich werde die nötigen Dokumente vorbereiten und mitbringen."
"Lieber Klaus,
Eines der Dinge, die ich in Bezug auf die Pandemie ganz besonderes bedaure, ist es dich im ganzen vorigen Jahr nicht getroffen zu haben. Insofern war es selbstverständlich, dass ich mich zu deinem Vortrag bei Rotary eingewählt habe.
Ich arbeite noch daran, mir den Ruf zu verdienen, dass ich mit mit Lob nicht geize. Aber bei dir weiß ich nicht, wo ich anfangen oder aufhören soll: Deine Vorträge sind klar strukturiert, du bist immer sehr gut vorbereitet, du sprichst angenehm und überlegt und wenn es dann an die Fragen geht, legst du eher noch einen Zahn zu. Die Tiefe und Breite deines Wissens auf dem Gebiet der Politik sind absolut unglaublich!"
"Ich habe meinen neuen Paß erhalten; herzlichen Dank nochmals für den schnellen Termin."
"Dear Ms. Drahola and Mr. Becker,
I want to thank you for all your help yesterday in processing my application for a German passport. The process went much smoother than I imagined, given that my German documents were over 60 years old. As you both saw, my knowledge of German is, unfortunately, limited. As I mentioned to Mr. Becker, after my family immigrated to the US in 1956, when I was 3 years old, my parents emphasized that I needed to speak English, as we were now in the US. They did not want me to learn German, as being American was very important to them (...)."
"Dear Mr. Becker,
It was extremely kind of you to contact me so quickly. I was quite surprised to find the German consulate office not only a welcoming representation of my heritage but, also of my devotion to the arts. Foremost, I would like to thank your staff for the extraordinary kindness I was shown. The renewing of my German documents has always been a most dreaded event for me because the staff in Atlanta is efficiently bureaucratic to the point of insulting rudeness. In contrast, your staff was friendly and helpful from the first phone call to the last signature. After living in the States for 50 years, my German is no longer at its best, but that does not change the fact that I am German. Many thanks for all the kindness and understanding."
"Mrs Drahola replies with my request timely and right to the point. And the madam who handles my request is super nice. Really very professional and great staff!"
"Experience great. Very friendly Staff. Didn't had to wait even I was early. Everything is clean and disinfected."
"No more going to Atlanta 👍🏾.. for a passport. This office is so convenient. The people are so amazing, kind and down to earth. I am grateful for this place! Thank you for making this an option for us german people!"
"We are so happy that we don’t have to drive to Atlanta to apply for a German passport anymore. The staff here is very nice. I always feel like I’m in Germany when I’m at the German consulate office. We are so happy that we don’t have to drive to Atlanta to apply for a German passport anymore. The staff here is very nice. I always feel like I’m in Germany when I’m at the German consulate office."
"Sehr sehr nett und kompetent❤️. Nadine hat das super toll und schnell gemacht. Vielen lieben Dank nochmals."
"Very friendly and helpful, had a pleasant appointment."
"Enjoyed my visit to get a passport renewed, very friendly staff. Wir hatten einen sehr netten Besuch um einen neuen Reisepass zu bekommen, sehr freundliches Personal."