Zeitgeist means the “Spirit of Age”. Founded in 2014 by the Honorary Consuls of the Federal Republic of Germany to North Carolina, Klaus Becker (ret.) and Margaret Rosenfeld, the mission of the Foundation is to inform, educate and foster dialogue about the influence in North Carolina of the current and historic culture, arts, society and spirit of Germany. In recognition of the long-standing German-American bilateral relationship, the program of the Foundation focuses on the exchange of societal and governmental thought and theory, art exhibitions and cultural and social events.
More Information about the Zeitgeist Foundation
The Grand Speakers Series, Culture and Sports
S U M M A R Y O F E V E N T S S I N C E O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7
The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation received the following guests during the last two years:
- Friedrich Merz and a 22-head delegation of the Atlantic Bridge
- Ambassador Emily Haber
- CEO’s of BMW Manufacturing and Porsche NA: Knudt Flor and Klaus Zellmer
- Peter Beyer, MdB, Coordinator of Transatlantic Relations
- Annette Schavan, former Federal Minister and Ambassador at the Holy See
- Supreme Court Judge Prof. Dr. Peter Huber
- Ambassador John Emerson,
- Roland Nelles, Chief-Correspondent of Spiegel on-line in Washington
- Borussia Dortmund and Hans-Joachim Watzke,
- Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer,
- Sven Afhüppe, Editor-in-Chief of the Handelsblatt, key-note speaker at our White Asparagus Dinner
and - Dr. Karen Donfried, President of the German Marshall Fund of the United States gave the key-note speech at the 5th Anniversary of The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation
- Dr. Volker Wissing, Vice-Minister-President and Secretary of Commerce in Rhineland-Palatinate, memorial speech at UNCC at the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Fall-of-the-Wall after Prof. Dr. Kurt Biedenkopf had delivered his speech in Davidson College five years ago.
Presenting Sponsors: